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Technical terms explained! Use the A-Z list to find the word, phrase or acronym.

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Wake-up Text
The text that appears on the display when the phone is first powered up. It can be fixed according to the model, or user-configurable.

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
Wireless application protocol (WAP) is the first global standard for Internet services over mobile phone networks. It is capable of displaying "mini websites", which look simple when compared with normal websites but which already provide a variety of powerful services, including banking, ticket purchase, news updates and more. See the WAP Demo for more information.

WAP Forum (Wireless Application Protocol Forum)
An organisation established by Motorola, Nokia, Unwired Planet (now Phone.com) and Ericsson to develop WAP as a global standard for distributing and accessing Internet information over mobile phone networks.

Wireless Application Protocol
See WAP.

Wireless Application Protocol Forum
See WAP Forum.

Wireless Markup language
See WML.

WML (Wireless Markup language)
WML is used to produce WAP content. It makes optimum use of the limited size of the displays on handheld devices.

Interchangeable phone covers available in a range of colours. Eye-catching accessories that protect your phone. See also PhoneWrap™ Covers.

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